How Can Mountain View Become More Sustainable? How Can Mountain View Become More Sustainable?

The City Council recently established an Environmental Sustainability Task Force.  Its mission is to provide suggestions to the Council on ways to make Mountain View more sustainable and to reduce our community’s emissions of greenhouse gasses.  The Task Force’s recommendations are due at the end of August.

Neighborhood resident Bruce Karney, profiled elsewhere in this issue, chairs the Task Force and many other OMV residents serve on the Task Force and its Steering Committee.

The Task Force is actively seeking public input – the more ideas, the better!  You can offer your suggestions via e-mail to, or via postal mail to City of Mountain View, Attn: Environmental Sustainability Task Force, P.O. Box 7540, Mountain View, CA  94039.

You are also invited to share your ideas at a meeting at Graham Middle School, 1175 Castro Street, on Monday, May 19 from 6:30 – 9:00 PM.

For more information on the Committee, please visit:

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